New Year Message: Make Your Mental Health Count

This day signifies the opening of a new calender; a day expected and cherished by many. It's a day that also signifies a new chapter of our lives among others.

Reflection on the past years is an exercise carried out on a day like this. This includes reflection on every aspects of our lives leading to decisions to continue, discontinue or restructure certain actions that affects us.

In this new year, as we put our lives in order for what the year is bringing, let's make our mental health count. Years before now, including 2020, may have had enormous burden on your mental health as individuals, your families, your societies and so on, this is the time to make it count.

Mental health has suffered a lot of neglect which has had significant impact on our lives directly and indirectly. The disproportionate focus on severe mental health issues has also led to the neglect of mild to moderate mental illness.

High burden of mental ill health has led to reduced quality of life, loss of productivity and premature mortality, which necessitate the need to pay attention to our mental health this year.

The pandemic that sent the whole world into panic last year had its toil too on our mental health. Many people will likely feel the impacts of the pandemic more this year. Therefore, let your mental health count this new year.

Pay attention to little details about your mental health. It’s very important to take care of yourself and get the best out of life.

Speak out this new year. Talk about how you feel as this can help you stay in good mental health. Dealing with times when you feel troubled won't be difficult when you speak out.

Ask for help when and where necessary; when things are getting too much for you and you have the feeling that you can't cope. Take a break from activities when necessary to relieve yourself from stress.

Boost your self esteem by doing what you are good at, which gives you pleasure and satisfaction. Accept who you are and care for others.

Finally, keep active, eat well because a diet that’s good for your physical health is also good for your mental health.

Remember, mental health is total health.

Happy new year.

Daniel D. Faleti

Convener, Mental Health Drive Initiative